
Darkest dungeon plague doctor cosplay
Darkest dungeon plague doctor cosplay

darkest dungeon plague doctor cosplay

I also get free Advantage on Intimidate and Performance checks from Thaumaturgy. Just casting Guidance on (insert person with proficiency and a high stat in the correct attribute) is enough to nigh-guarantee low DC checks, Enhance Ability I only use for the bigger ones, and when I do it carries over to other checks because it lasts Until Long Rest. At least thus far, I have yet to run out of spell slots. Out of curiosity with the use of Enhance Ability and whatnot, do you run the risk of running out of spells particularly often? Never. You can basically kill encounters before they can even do anything on the hardest difficulty. And Shadowheart gets Pass Without Trace by default. Surprise is very powerful, just like in normal 5e. That Everburn Blade is still carrying her to relevance, as is the sheer fact that she's a Githyanki (good ol' floating proficiency). I just made Laezel a Battle Master, and am a little disappointed to see that I can't apply maneuvers after the roll like in real D&D. Mage Hand is strong too, since it can Throw things. I've noticed that familiars can actually attack, which is a neat detail (I'm not sure why they don't do this in 5e it's a weird case of a tabletop game being more "videogamey" than videogames, and it doesn't even serve much balance purpose because owls add DPR via Flyby Help anyways). Radiance of the Dawn has been clearing large rooms with impunity, just like normal D&D. Guidance and Thaumaturgy and Enhance Ability and Disguise Self and Laezel's floating proficiency have basically been letting me smash any and all attribute checks with impunity (who needs a Rogue when you have +2d4+prof+stat+advantage? I sure don't). If you're still worried, I'm sure you can just block the entrace to the room with some of those cartilaginous chests lying around to block the reinforcements (they're sturdy, so it's not like the cambions are gonna break them).Ĭurrently I'm up to level 3, playing with Gale / Wish (my custom posted above) / Shadowheart / Laezel. Make sure you got Us and Shadowheart earlier in the dungeon. Buff the Mind Flayer (I used Bless and Protection from Evil and Good).

darkest dungeon plague doctor cosplay

Have a Cleric (like Shadowheart) cast Command on the devil captain to make them drop their weapon. If you want to beat the devil captain on any difficulty, here's how I just squished 'em on my first play (on Tactician + No Karmic Dice): I tried to beat up that demon, but ultimately was just not quite strong enough.

Darkest dungeon plague doctor cosplay